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Irish Tour 2011News

In Thomastown – day two

By April 23, 2011No Comments

Skinny Adventures

After a quick look around some craggy cliffs in Newtown Bay, we decided we needed some lunch. We had heard about this festival in Thomastown (as mentioned yesterday), so we thought we best go there to find out more. After lunch was gobbled up we headed down to a picturesque river bank and payed some tunes with a view to having a practice for Saturday and Sunday’s two gig per day schedule. But we quickly attracted some company and within two songs we had an impromptu performance on our hands.

4/5ths of Skinny Lister

One chap who turned out to own a pub across the river asked us to come play at his place on Sunday and donated a six pack of beer to the Skinny cause which he had in his car. People around these parts seem ridiculously nice! Lorna has already decided she’s moving here asap.

After the music, we drove to Kilkenny and checked in to a local B&B then headed over to John’s place (tour manager) where his wife had knocked up a delicious Thai Green Curry! It was amazing and once we’d cracked through three bottles of red we decided we better set about finding the festival.

Arriving in Kilkenny

I’m actually still shocked we found it. The handful of directions we had gathered from people led us into the middle of nowhere in the pitch dark, however, after seeing some cars driving into an empty field we felt we may have located it. And we had!

Gig in a field

It was an amazing scene, a band was blasting out some covers (Talking Heads – Psycho Killer etc) and everyone was dancing around like crazy. We cracked into a bottle of Captain Morgan’s finest rum kindly donated by John, (we love John) and got into the swing of things immediately. Lorna was on stage within the hour. It was marvellous.

Lorna on stage

Sore heads all round this morning, our first gig is at 4 this afternoon. I could use another 40 winks before we have to jump on stage.

Mule x