by Lorna…
What a hardcore weekend… I’m still feeling pretty rough to be honest!
Late to leave London (as ever) we make our way to Huntingdon for the not so Secret Garden Party. All pretty excited as we had some mad times the last time we were there (prior to Skinny Lister)….vague memories of ghoulies and goblins… anyway… the festival was definitely not secret at all, as me, Max and Dan find out when we decide to skip out of the car and walk onsite. We soon realise it will be no short walk… there were cars full of partyheads as far as the eye could see and our short walk turned into a 3 mile hike – just what you need before a set – plus time was dwindling. We thought we might not make it on stage in time! We reminded ourselves that it doesn’t help to panic – we charmed doormen and wristband staff, manage to get ourselves a van and do some very complicated logistical arrangements that meant we ended up getting to the stage on time. Great…what a great crowd, dancing and yes, I dropped a few times…we had loads of fun…I got a little carried away and unfortunately lost any recollection of the night…the boys continued to diddle into the wee hours (apparently)…Max fell on his melodeon and bruised his ribs and Tash got feisty…
Next day – We’re all of a dither… we go into Huntingdon for a slap up breakfast (which I couldn’t eat)…earn the cost of it back by diddling in town…pass on our free guest spaces to two young gals who wanted to party (good karma n’all) and then head back ourselves for more diddling until we all dropped. By this point though I was up for a party again but had to be dragged out ready for a private party we did for some mates down in the New Forest. Sensible – I can see that now. So next day we’re up and at’em. Late leaving again….get set up (hear a thud and go outside to see that a 4 year old child has got into a buggy and had a near miss with all our PA equipment (???), then go to meet one of mine and Max’s family friends who has lots of wild stories from his days in Grenada, after a few free drinks from on-listeners, we get in the bandwagon, only to find it wont start! Dan insists it has nothing to do with him breaking the key earlier. Our good friend Stuart saves the day and gets us all to the party on time. Phew again. First set is cracking…in between sets the AA man turns up and Tash has done a runner to meet him…car starts once they find the chip missing from the previously broken key. Back to the party – rum and diddle creates a great party. We have an amazing time and then there’s me not wanting to leave…again and then a long drive back through the night. Wow. Great times. Us Skinnies really are rather lucky when you think about it!