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Grand Union Narrow Boat Tour

Grand Union Tour Day Three & Four

By August 24, 2010No Comments

We set off surprisingly early yesterday given the fact we were all incredibly hungover. But we were doing well on our first day without the help of the legendary Allan. Unfortunately things took a turn. There was an incident and insurance forms had to be filled out. We won’t say much about that, though the crash victims were very understanding. After chatting to them for a bit Lorna somehow managed to turn the injured parties into best mates and they even gave us a jar of homemade cherry jam as a trophy for the incident. And low and behold they showed up at our gig at The White Bear and brought friends!

They weren’t alone either. The Towpath Telegraph (the secret communication system of the waterways which travels faster than the internet) had spread the word that a ‘boat band’ was coming to play so they all showed up in support. One of the best nuggets of info they gave us was that ‘Lister’ is also the name of a boat engine, pure coincidence of course but we like to think that this means we’re natural born boaters at heart.

Anyway, when half way through our first song, Allan amazingly showed up and bought us all a drink. We were thrilled to see him again so we stopped playing and greeted him with a massive welcome. We love Allan.

Thanks to everyone for whooping and dancing too. Hope to see you again down the Lock Tavern for more…

The EP is pretty much ready. Max is putting the finishing touches to the mix as I type. We’ve put our hearts and souls into this so come on up to Camden tomorrow night to get yourself a copy. We’re also well ahead of schedule for Camden and so were feeling rather smug. That was until we missed the one and only turn we needed to make during the whole journey! Damn. It was soon resurrected though, and now we’re looking forward to mooring up shortly ready for some more music making…ahhh…this is definitely the life.

See you tomorrow. xx

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  • JULES ANNAN says:


  • Susan Golding says:

    hi glad to here you are enjoying boating!!
    Really enjoyed the night at thr red lion. will keep my eyes out if you are playing anywhere near here on you home journey. Hope you have a great night tommorow.
    best wishes