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Green17 TourOn TourSkinny in USA

Green17: Silver Spring, Richmond and Charlotte

By February 9, 201313 Comments

After the craziness of New York we hit the road again. It’s a big day today as we’re driving to Richmond straight after the gig….and what a great gig it was! My favourite part of the evening has to be when Dan presented me with an engraved hip flask! A thank you present as he’d seen us in Boston with his sister and had a great time. Thank YOU Dan! I love it! Thanks to those who drove 9 hours to see us too!

Silver Spring!

After the gig we all pile into the van and head off to our hotel in Richmond. After arriving at 4am we’re up again to say ‘Good Morning Virginia’. More sexual innuendos behind the camera. We have a great breakfast then straight to the hotel via a music shop. Sleep for a few more hours then off to the gig we go!

The Skinny Shop is on a balcony on this night which is a worry but thanks to all you kind people who came to see us up there! Thank you for your support!

Next we’re on our way to Charlotte. Our good friend Mike has booked us hotel rooms. Thank you Mike! He also brought his 3D guitar which he’d had printed! Mule says it’s the future.

Crowd Surfing

We grab a bite to eat before gig at Matties Diner which is a proper old style American Diner. Amazing place! A juke box at every table and milkshakes thick enough to block even the widest of arteries in a single sip!


The gig goes off. We sell out of CDs, I sell my dress, we drink Nathan from Flogging Molly’s pickle drink, mosh in the pit and other ridiculous drunken antics. Fun fun fun!

Lorna x


Join the discussion 13 Comments

  • peter says:

    you sell your dress? My god girl it would have fitted me in an earlier life. Next time girl !

  • peter says:

    you sell your dress? My god girl it would have fitted me in an earlier life. Next time girl !

  • peter stoddart says:

    dress no dress . just come back soon!

  • peter stoddart says:

    dress no dress . just come back soon!

  • The Landlady says:

    You sold your dress! Sounds like you are all getting what you have worked so so hard for, Thankyou USA.

  • The Landlady says:

    You sold your dress! Sounds like you are all getting what you have worked so so hard for, Thankyou USA.

  • Alisson says:

    Great show last night! I’ve been listening to your music all day at work. I’m letting my friends in Quito, Ecuador know about your music. It’s soo neat.

  • Alisson says:

    Great show last night! I’ve been listening to your music all day at work. I’m letting my friends in Quito, Ecuador know about your music. It’s soo neat.

  • Chris Luxford says:

    You sold your dress? Where you wearing it at the time? And I’m assuming that was Lorna, and not Mule as it claims at the top of the page. Not that I’m fussing transvestism of course, but a frock with that facial hair?

  • Megan says:

    You sold your dress? I was at the Richmond concert and loved your concert. Where do you find your dresses?

  • Megan says:

    You sold your dress? I was at the Richmond concert and loved your concert. Where do you find your dresses?