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Green17 TourOn TourSkinny in USA

Green17: New York

By February 7, 20132 Comments

Arriving into New York is one of the most exciting feelings I’ve had yet. Am I going to love it or hate it! As we drive through town I see all the yellow cabs, tall buildings and steam pouring out of the roads. Love it!

Our first port of call is a Balcony TV recording session. Even leaving the car into the reception has me in freezing agony do you can imagine how we felt on the roof top waiting for everything to be in place. That’s right freezing cold! The view is amazing though and it’s such a pleasure to meet the Golightly Press crew and Jamie from SideOneDummy that we brush off the coldness and knock out Rollin Over. Very quickly!

Balcony TV

Next we head over to the venue after picking up keys to our apartment. We’re very excited to play the Roseland Ballroom. An amazing venue. I have to say though, I am at least a little nervous. So many pals and supporters back stage. I only hope tonight is as much fun as the rest. The Flagon soothes the nerves, the sound is great and before I know it, the bass drum and bass are crowd surfing. All is great fun! Here’s to party George for letting us perform Forty Pound Wedding!

Pic by Forrest Woodward -

Pic by Forest Woodward –

After the show I am excited to see an old school friend Liam. We and the rest of the gang proceed to get pretty drunk back stage before selling more merch. A good party for sure.

New York New York!

Camino and Rosco go AWOL for the next 24 hours. We see them again on Monday morning for press red and bleary eyed. There’s many a story to tell but too long for here! In the meantime you can check out what our new and dear friend Rosco does when he’s not crowd surfing to Seventeen Summers!

Lorna x

Onward, Etc. from gnarly bay productions, Inc. on Vimeo.

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