A busy day lies in store for us as we make our way back to Cologne. It’s a long drive and for the most part we all sleep and recover from hangovers. Zurich was good and Cologne promises to be as its sold out!

On arrival into the town we have a busy schedule lined up. Lemmy and his crew have us walk to the snow covered park to sing a few numbers for an online TV programme, then we head back to the venue for sound check, have dinner and kolsch (a tasty local beer) then to a friend’s studio for a photo shoot.

Phew! It’s not long and before we know it the venue is packed out and we’re on stage. It’s the hottest gig of 2013! Hot and sweaty! So hot my camera struggled to take a picture! Steamy!!!

After a good night’s sleep in a very cool room decorated with Lego we wake and go order Goulash at a cafe. Today is Haldern….coming right back at you folks!