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Stop Thief!

By September 14, 2010No Comments

Here’s some photographic evidence of a cunning kleptomaniac pilfering my beautiful orange bicycle.

It’s almost worth the theft for this fantastic image I have taken by a neighbour. Heavens knows why they didn’t just holler from the window rather than take these snapshots. It’s not that I’m not grateful to the keen neighbourhood watchman for his vigilance and photography skills I’m just slightly concerned about any other potentially incriminating or compromising evidence he may have of me. Eek!

Oh if anyone has an old bike lying around I’m in need….

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  • Bea Benham says:

    Unfortunately I don’t have a spare bike but I think your neighbour could have made more of an effort to stop them :)… it was a nice bike by the way 🙂 sorry for your loss 🙁 x