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Yes friends! Skinny is hitting you with our 5th studio album on 22 OCTOBER 2021! The album ‘A Matter of Life & Love’ features the singles ‘Shout It Out’, ‘Bavaria Area’ & latest release ‘Damn The Amsterdam’ which is OUT NOW! Pre-order the album HERE It…
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Following Seas Tour 2018

We are thrilled to announce that following our major headline tour of the States during February & March this year we’ve added some more dates after Flogging Molly’s Salty Dog Cruise! So Florida, Georgia, North Carolina & Virginia you can get some flagon action too…
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Happy New Year Friends!

Flipping heck! 2017 was busy! Reflecting on the year I thought I’d do a little tally of what we got up to. So here goes: we completed 5 tours, we played in 14 countries, 10 States and partied at 20 festivals. We even found the…
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Texas Times & Southern Stories…

We land into Houston – where Garrigan, our driver for the tour, picks us up. First stop beer, second stop tacos and third stop ranch in the middle of nowhere. It's Garrigan's place and he is the perfect host. It’s amazing. So much space! Doughnuts…
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Long lost blog!

First off - gotta say, we've had some amazing tours! The last two being up there. Our USA whole country headline tour at the end of last year that was unbelievable. Crowds were crazy. We can't tell you how much we appreciate you mad party…
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