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Skinny in USA

SXSW – Day Two

By March 14, 2012No Comments

So, a day in and we’re feeling good (well a little hungover) but generally upbeat and positive about how the diddle will be received. After a morning of relaxing we head directly to the supermarket ‘El Rancho’ for more Karaoke and Tacos. We have a busy day ahead but with the chilli and beef in us we’re set to go. First stop: BD Riley’s Irish Bar for chat with a guy from Texas University, some shrimp squewers and then up and on for another set in our new spiritual texan home. A warm welcome again. Rahhh! Then we had a quick run to our next gig through 28 degree heat…a very tight schedule but us Skinnies made it in time to set up in the ridiculous oversized hotel lobby.

People followed us from the previous gig and others have been looking forward to the set. As we sing the sound disappears into the great abyss but everyone seems happy with the show – even our American PR agent coincidently checked in and then realised it was his band playing. Good stuff. After the show, and a few too many beers, we then have a chat with BBC America – I introduce them to the term ‘slagbags’ (sorry Skinny Sisters) and then we sit down and drink more – oh and we meet Nathan ad a guy called Tron – who thinks he might be able to make our dreams of a Tall Ship tour come true!! Then another couple (Kevin and Christie) come over and say they saw us on the street last night and really cheered them up – so we sell them a CD for $3 and they leave – more beer and sushi later and they return with $100 for us – WOW! We’re very happy, we were also bombarded from somewhere above by tiny plastic babies at this point… weird, but we collected them up and made a little line up of tiny baby Skinny Sisters!

This propels us to take to the streets of downtown Texas for more music and fun. And that is what we have! Police cordon off the area where we’re playing and it is ended with fists full of dollars! We love Austin!

Street corner music: Skinny Lister (London, UK)