After a noisy night in a car park outside the venue we wake up early. Vegas is on the cards and we’re all looking forward to a grand night out. I’m expecting lights, booze and God only knows what else. The drive is cool…we pass more prickly pears and Joshua Trees but my favourite are the cactus trees like in the cartoons.
They’re amazing! I could watch them all day…and I did as we drove through the Arizona desert into Nevada. The scenery then changes dramatically as we become surrounded by massive canyons…
…and a huge lake. Stunning.
Eventually we arrive into Vegas. We pull up to our seedy looking hotel with old men and prostitutes going upstairs in the middle of the day….
…We want to get the gig done by 11pm so that we can hit the strip. No such luck. We’re not on until around 12.30 by which point we’ve reached and breached the drinking performance quality barrier.
Max starts the set with wrong lyrics, I’m on my hands sand knees nibbling the boys knees and Mule is dancing around in the audience with his concertina. Funny funny gig.
Flagon goes down very well…
…and we pick up a crew to head into town…. From this point on, what happened in Vegas is staying there…
We have to leave early for Salt Lake City. Larry (tour manager and new best mate) had already told me he’d not be happy if we were late (in the nicest possible way – ‘better not be fucking late Lorna or I’ll be pissed!’ Anyway, with Max and Mule in full coma for most of the journey we are not late.
During soundcheck, I ask Larry if he plays in a band…he proceeded to show me a video of his metal band where he sets himself on fire. I get excited and think that would be a great way to end £40 Wedding on our last gig and plead with him but he hasn’t got the gear – sadly. Maybe next time eh Larry?!
Anyway, the gig is great, the sound is good and everyone is dancing and having a good time. Fun.
Oh and mileage now is: unknown as we have had a sign saying ‘oil replacement required’. There’s only 550 miles to go though for our last gig in Colorado.
Flagoneering, now there is a new fantastic word. Have had the most amazing time with you all while you have been in America, even though we have remained in the UK. So proud of you all for sharing a whole lot of your Skinny Lister happiness to the rest of the world, you have certainly left with a lot of new fans, safe journey and see you on the Forge and Flagon tour, don’t ever give up your blogs, they are masterpieces in themselves xxx
Oh…I am annoyed to miss you in Las Vegas (I arrive 16th) but I have enjoyed all your news. Looks like you have all had a really good tour. xxx