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Homemade Tour

Day Two – Red Admiral

By October 25, 2010No Comments

Day Two began slowly, very slowly indeed, but mercifully Alice rescued us Skinnies from hangover hell with her wonderous bacon sandwiches and we set about getting our mobile recording studio set up. We are recording another EP as we travel on this trip and the first track we got down was George’s excellent track ‘William Harker’ – he’s singing it too. We were going to try and record a new shanty this morning but the need to get to Brid before dark has put the stopper on that one.

We played at Broughton Astley yesterday afternoon and played three sets in between local musicians doing traditional tunes and songs. It was really great and the standard of playing was exceptional. We were particularly impressed by a Northumbrian Pipe player whose haunting laments almost brought a tear to my eye. I was amazed.

Members of the audience included old school friends and folks known to Lorna and Max since they were babies. Thanks to all of you for coming along and making the afternoon a real event.

We are currently packing all our stuff up into old suitcases ready for the push to Brid. See you at The Ship.

Tash scales the Landy

Skinny with George for the last time this tour

The gig that turned into a folk session

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