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Germany 2013On Tour


By January 15, 2013No Comments

Fortunately we didn’t have to wait long until we ate. More bread, cheese and meats came – all very welcome. We settle down into the backstage area – we’re well early so plan to do some shopping…Michael gets himself a new hat from the Army and Navy store to keep him warm…he’s not exactly used to snow! And It’s cold cold cold!

Super Cold

Tonight’s gig is in a theatre bar so an unusual venue for us but with good ticket presales for a Monday we’re happy! And we were right to be – it was great fun with some now familiar faces and others new…there’s dancing and singing. All good. Thanks to the bar too for giving us all shots of vodka. Just what I needed!

On stage in Dusseldorf

Thanks again to all that came to support us! Next port of call…Switzerland!