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New Orleans & Rock’n’Roll Falls!

By March 10, 20142 Comments

As we head to New Orleans we’re all very excited, munching on macadamias and chocolates brought to us by Michael Camino’s very lovely mummy all the way from Hawaii! So nice to meet you and thank you so much for my flowers!

michaels mum

The gig is great fun and its brilliant to return to the House of Blues and walk around the French quarter again. I love New Orleans!


There’s beads a plenty all over the streets –we have a day off for Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) so Skinny is going out BIG STYLE! I LOVE IT!

mardi 2

We head down to Bourbon street first thing and find ourselves in the Cowboy Bar dancing to country and whooping with all. Everyone is so happy it’s amazing and its pissing it down and cold outside but no one cares. As it gets later more and more boobs come out in exchange for beads. Nuts!

mardi slim

After a few hours of tourist town we head to the ‘real’ New Orleans for some jazz, stumbling over multi coloured beads that litter the pavements…

mardi band

Great fun and a recommended thing to do!!!!

It’s ridiculous how good we feel the next day – I have memories of doing shots out of women’s cleavages and god knows what else so feel happy that my head is clear (ish) and ready for a gig in Birmingham Alabama.

Despite thoughts of keeping it low key, lots of people start buying me drinks, I see a willy or two under a kilt or two and then the drinks flow and then I’m crowd surfing to the Dropkicks ‘Shipping off to Boston’ with the best of them. The night turned a biggie as they say. Great fun!

Then it’s over to Jacksonville, Florida, the sunny state – apparently though not today. It’s pissing it down. We have a relatively quick sound check, dash out to eat meet up with old friends we partied with last year when we were here and take to the stage. Three songs in and max his doing his usual shenanigans pushing me about and stuff and then when I look round I see him down in the pit face first flying towards a barrier – gasp – is he ok, is he going to be stretchered out of here alive, and then he’s up, face bleeding to buggery but he’s playing and so we continue the show!

max face

Amazing! Michael crowd surfs and all is fine – no one’s quite sure if the folksy melodeon survived the rock and roll fall or not but we’re all so adrenalined up we don’t care – we play on!

bass crowd surf

Miraculously, though max has a battered face all is ok – nothing broken (too much) and we enjoy the rest of the night watching Lucero and Dropkicks smash it as usual!

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • mt schmidt says:

    LOVE IT! Max- you’re a mazing and quite the pro! The show must go on and on and on!
    Miss you all!

  • mt schmidt says:

    LOVE IT! Max- you’re a mazing and quite the pro! The show must go on and on and on!
    Miss you all!