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Day Three – Brid

Another slow start but nevertheless the gang busied themselves with sign making and vintage suitcase fixing duties and when we were finally ready to set off we were all in need of a good lunch. We stopped in Leicester to pick up a few supplies…
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Day Two – Red Admiral

Day Two began slowly, very slowly indeed, but mercifully Alice rescued us Skinnies from hangover hell with her wonderous bacon sandwiches and we set about getting our mobile recording studio set up. We are recording another EP as we travel on this trip and the…
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Day One – Forge & Flagon

What a way to start the Homemade Tour. First port of call – Frolesworth to see Alice and the infamous ‘Party’ George (Max and Lorna’s proud parents).  Landrover parked in the drive and we sit down to George’s hot and spicy homemade curry and as…
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Last Minute Dash….

Skinny Lister are doing the mad dash that precedes any Skinny event. What do you mean we haven't got accommodation on Wednesday? What no Rum! How many miles are we doing on Thursday! What sign? Nobody told me we needed a sign making. Have you…
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**** Homemade Tour Announcement ****

Here we go again as we Skinnies start to pack for adventures along Britain's country roads as opposed to the beautiful waterways on which we spent some of the summer. We're borrowing a beat up old.. Tell you what I'll let my mother explain.... So…
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International Diddle Eve

Great to see all you country music fans down at The Garage last night. For those not in the know us Skinnies were supporting diddlers from across the Atlantic. Wow isn't international music exchange amazing. Great to hear some authentic good ol' bluegrass from the…
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No Hats, No Trainers

Ever thought about a spot of breakdancing to Skinny Lister in all out diddle mode? Impossible I hear you cry! Not so... Check us out having a play and a dance with our dear friends the Cuban Brothers in 'No Hats, No Trainers' on BBC…
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