So we’re back in Blighty and happy to see blue skies and sunshine! The last few days were a mixture of absolute excitement to return and sadness about leaving the Warped Tour and all our new friends. The Mighty Adrian Our day off after a…
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In the lead up to the BBQ we've been asked to play I have to say I'm more nervous playing for friends I have made than when getting on stage. What if no one comes? What if it's a bit crap? Eek! Our friends Ian…
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Canada was a crazy two days, I have vague sleepy memories of crossing the border. The first day in Montreal is a dust pit. We play a smaller new stage and the sound is terrible, that and the fact we followed a hardcore band with…
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We are now successfully through half of the eleven day stint. We've made our way up from St. Louis to Chicago and back down to Kansas and now we're getting prepared to cross the border into Canada. The last few days have been a hard…
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A day off precedes a gig in Dallas. We're opening for the Kia Rio stage which is now in an Amphitheatre instead of on the back of a lorry. It feels big and as we get ready to go on the crowds start to run…
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The next day we’re at Chula Vista. It was a great day. We put the astroturf down for the shop, had a great gig, a great crowd and sold a record number of CDs! A great start to the second batch of merch. I get…
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The two days 'off' in San Diego were well deserved and my voice definitely needed a rest. I woke in a hotel car park and set my mind on a swim in the pool. Four hours later - still in the tour bus having finished…
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Wow. Warped Tour is amazing! We spent the first 3 days working out what needs to be done. It's busy. Each morning we wake up from our coffin like shelves, queue for breakfast and wait to find out what stage and set time we're on.…
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Wow. Warped Tour is amazing! We spent the first 3 days working out what needs to be done. It's busy. Each morning we wake up from our coffin like shelves, queue for breakfast and wait to find out what stage and set time we're on.…
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So, Skinny Lister are back in Vegas and it’s as weird as the first time we were here. Only now we’re in a parking lot in the boiling hot sunshine surrounded by 100’s of buses, we have no idea what is going on or when/where/which…
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