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Happy New Year Skinny Followers! It might well seem like we’ve been in hibernation over the winter, admittedly there’s been a bit of that, what with enjoying festivities and attending a few damn good parties but we have been VERY busy. The album is sounding…
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*** Cabin Fever ***

It’s intense here at Bryn Derwin Studios – with the snow still thick on the ground and no access to the outside world we’re all getting a little tapped. The three bedroom Cottage is starting to feel more like a bedsit. I can hear even…
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The Return of the Landrover

Ello. We're off to Wales for two weeks to record an album. And Max is taking us all up there in the Landrover which we have re-borrowed for the purpose of gear and Skinny transportation... I will be updating here when interesting things happen. Stay tuned. Mule…
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** Shanty Mayhem **

Oh what a night. Here's Mule leading John Kanaka with the company of the Stag Inn in Hastings. Wow that pub really knows how to shanty. Can't wait for the next time us Skinnies are down that way. Ahoj! Haul Away O Haul AWAY!
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**** Homemade Tour Announcement ****

Here we go again as we Skinnies start to pack for adventures along Britain's country roads as opposed to the beautiful waterways on which we spent some of the summer. We're borrowing a beat up old.. Tell you what I'll let my mother explain.... So…
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International Diddle Eve

Great to see all you country music fans down at The Garage last night. For those not in the know us Skinnies were supporting diddlers from across the Atlantic. Wow isn't international music exchange amazing. Great to hear some authentic good ol' bluegrass from the…
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