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SXSW – The End

So, SXSW has finished and us skinnies have all fled Berkman House. We had a grand old week and feel satisfied that we made the most of our time there. We played over a dozen gigs (including busking) and one of those involved a paid…
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SXSW – Day Two

So, a day in and we're feeling good (well a little hungover) but generally upbeat and positive about how the diddle will be received. After a morning of relaxing we head directly to the supermarket 'El Rancho' for more Karaoke and Tacos. We have a…
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SXSW – Day One

Biggest worry – getting Skinny Lister baggage and shop on the plane. Done. Somehow we managed to bring Skinny shop, all instruments including the colossal double bass sarcophagus and a couple of cases of dark matter across the Atlantic. Next worry - getting from Houston…
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