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Ouch. Sore heads all round after an amazing night back at Haldern. Is it possible to do another show???! Back on the Reeperbahn we reminisce about our last visit...everyone told us to play the Molotov last time and now we're here doing it. It's a…
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As we make our way to Haldern we reminisce about our experiences there in the summer. What an amazing time it was too! A great festival with dangerous amounts of alcohol, stories in the papers about Mule's escape in an ambulance when trying to make…
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A busy day lies in store for us as we make our way back to Cologne. It's a long drive and for the most part we all sleep and recover from hangovers. Zurich was good and Cologne promises to be as its sold out! On…
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So everyone thinks we're mad travelling 8 hours all the way to Zurich only to turn around and travel back another 8 hours to Cologne which is only 30km away from Dusseldorf....we start to think we might be too. Waking up early after a night…
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Fortunately we didn't have to wait long until we ate. More bread, cheese and meats came - all very welcome. We settle down into the backstage area - we're well early so plan to do some shopping...Michael gets himself a new hat from the Army…
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Waking up at five after the party of the night before was tough going. I'm pretty sure I was still a little drunk. I clamoured into the back of the snowy van and slept for a good while. Anything to shorten the 8hr drive to…
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A nice lie in and a good breakfast prepares us for another day. It's only a short 3 hour drive to Munich which is passed comfortably listening to Manuel Winter, the geezer who played with us the night before. We drive through snowy winter scenes…
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